County Photos
Page 16
by Pam Mix Carroll
My now deceased, grandmother, Nannie Claycomb of Raymond, KY, had the original in a much larger form in place of honor in her home. It's been so many years ago that I cannot remember who they were. I thought she had said it was she and her husband's parents at their wedding but they were married in 1924 in Brandenburg, KY and this has been dated as about 1895. Maybe she meant at "their" wedding meaning the folks in the picture. I remember and have seen pictures of her father and he never wore a beard but it could have been grandparents. I can say with a great deal of certainty that the tall man on the left is a CLAYCOMB of either Meade Co or Breckinridge County, KY. The family sort of straddled that county line around Payneville, Webster, Raymond, Union Star, Frymire area. The man on the right might be a MIX. If I can figure out who the men were I feel confident I can figure out which one the woman is connected to. I believe she might be with the man on the right. There are no dates or names on the back of the photo; however, I will add that in looking for clues I found a large sketch of a dark haired young woman, possibly a younger version of the woman in the photo. I realize this is very little to go on but hopefully someone will recognize someone in the photo. The Mixes were from over in Crawford County, IN but research shows there were a few migrated over into Addison, KY, including my grandfather, Theodore Mix. Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Pam Mix Carroll : |
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